About Us

My wife, Julie Kagawa, is an author of young adult novels.  You can learn more about that aspect of our lives on her website or blog, or by following her on Twitter (@Jkagawa).  We're very lucky that one of us has a job that can be done at home -- it will make a lot of the daily needs of a homestead a lot more feasible.  She also grew up on a small farm, where she helped raise chickens, rabbits, goats, and the occasional cow.  So, we're not coming into this life with blinders on, or completely bereft of experience.  She, at least, has a good idea of what's in store for us and a wealth of practical knowledge to draw upon.

As for me, I'm an aspiring writer as well, but currently make a living in the exciting field of data analytics.  People always ask what that means... the answer that gets the highest degree of understanding (and an accompaniment of pitying sighs) is "I sit in a cube and crunch numbers all day."  The only animal experience I have is with pets, and the only farming experience I have is with servers.  Still, I am a military brat to my bones (my father had 34 years of active duty service) and while I didn't learn much farming or animal husbandry growing up, I did learn some of the things that seem common to all my fellow brats: adaptability, responsibility (though in military families, this is normally called duty), organization, and discipline.  I'm hoping that these traits, applied appropriately, will help us realize our dream.